有你要的嗎? 探討幼稚園教師對網站資源的需求
Have You Got What You Want? Exploring Kindergarten Teachers’ Needs from the Resources on Websites
Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences
Oct 2009 Vol.47 No.1 p.55~p.82
Doc Type:Research Article
本研究以問卷調查台北縣市 433 名幼稚園教師的教學資訊需求,初 步檢視幼教老師可能使用之網站並將之分類,再使用內容分析法檢 視 32 名幼教老師常用之資源網站,了解幼教相關網站提供之資訊是 否符合幼教老師的需求。研究發現教師對幼教資訊的需求含括教學、 輔導、保育、教師專業成長、行政等五面向。其中最需要的為教學 相關資源,包括圖片與影音素材、各領域輔助教材、學習單、教學 活動設計、繪本及軟體推薦等。幼教網站可依其提供之資訊與使用 對象分為四類:包括幼教資訊、教學資源、親子互動、在職進修等, 但沒有網站能將所有資源加以整合、分類,並提供良好檢索功能。 分析幼教網站內容發現,除在教案與教材上能有半數以上網站提供, 多數教師需要的資源仍相當匱乏。
This study surveyed 433 kindergarten teachers to examine their information searching behaviors on the network and their information needs. In addition, the content of 32 early childhood education related websites were evaluated based on kindergarten teachers’ information needs. Findings indicated that searching on the network was the primary information searching approach teachers used when they need certain resource. However, they have difficulties in finding what they need on the network. The primary resources Kindergarten teachers need from the network web were pictures, videos, teaching plans, work-sheets for children, and book-recommendations. However, rarely few web sites provided these resources for kindergarten teachers.
APA style citation
邱淑惠 、許惠菁 (2009)。有你要的嗎? 探討幼稚園教師對網站資源的需求。教育資料與圖書館學,47(1),55-82。
Chiu, S.-H., & Hsu, H.-C. (2009). Have You Got What You Want? Exploring Kindergarten Teachers’ Needs from the Resources on Websites. Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 47(1), 55-82.
Chicago style citation
邱淑惠 、許惠菁 。「有你要的嗎? 探討幼稚園教師對網站資源的需求」,教育資料與圖書館學47卷,1期(2009):55-82。
Shu-Hui Chiu* and Hui-Ching Hsu, "Have You Got What You Want? Exploring Kindergarten Teachers’ Needs from the Resources on Websites," Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences 47, no. 1 (October 2009): 55-82.