Chinese Notes and References Romanization Help

APA, Chicago (Turabian) and Romanization of Referencing Styles for Chinese Academic Writing

The development and announcement of Romanized citation guidelines by JoEMLS could be considered as a pioneering work in Taiwan, as well as in the international platform. In these years, our journal has been engaging in on-going modification and reform on relevant practices, and finally in July 2014, the book APA, Chicago (Turabian) and Romanization of Referencing Styles for Chinese Academic Writing, was formally published by Tamkang University Press, for facilitating the editing of translated bibliographies. The book with scientific theories and practical regulations addressed inside is expected to be a great help for Taiwan’s scholars in humanities and social sciences, academic journal editors, and academic database providers.
Ordering Information: Tamkang University Press
Tel: (02) 8631-8661
Fax: (02) 8631-8660